How To Find Out Which Air Conditioning Strategy Is Best For You Air Conditioning Sydney tips can seem really complicated to people who don't have a basic understanding of how the system works. This is because of the technical nature of these systems. However, there is a lot of information out there that you may not be aware of that can make this easier to learn about. If you've been having trouble with an Air Conditioning Sydney system, look around your home before calling in people to help. Make a list of the rooms which are comfortable and which just aren't. The contractor can probably figure out and fix the problem easier. Clean your fan and coils when the weather begins to warm. Prior to working on or cleaning the unit, be sure to turn off the power. Additionally, it's important to clear out leaves and other debris from the outside condenser unit. If your condenser comes with oil ports, you should lubricate it yearly. These ports are typically covered with ca...